Coffeenuri - Quality handmade tampers
Coffeenuri's handmade tamper is tailored to each user's needs and offers an ergonomical design that guarantees the best grip.
Even when you simply copy what others do there are so many things in the world that are just difficult to master. However, there is someone who challenges the untrodden path and devotes himself to a new field. Jeong Gwang-jun, CEO of Coffee Nuri, is dedicated to producing quality handmade tampers. Coffee Nuri tampers are exported from Korea to Italy, Japan, America, and now Australia through Coffee Roasters Australia. These unique tampers are highly recognized by American baristas. From the initial selection of wood, all Coffee Nuri tampers are handmade with masterly techniques and handled with much care.
These tampers are available in a variety of handles, wood, black, and cork.
All tampers come with an American Curve 58mm Stainless Steel base.